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Banking made simple - 100% offset
Banking made simple. 100% Offset
At Adelaide bank we think you should be given every opportunity to help pay off your home loan sooner. Offering one hundred percent offset, one hundred percent of the time on our fixed and variable home loans is just one way we can help make that happen. You see not all offset accounts have a 100-percent offset feature and many offset accounts aren’t one hundred percent on a fixed loan, ours are. A one hundred percent offset account can potentially save thousands of dollars and years off a home loan. Here's how it works, say your mortgage is 400 thousand dollars and you have 20 thousand dollars savings in your offset account, with one hundred percent offset you are only paying interest on 380 thousand dollars. Wondering how much this could save you? Based on a three percent interest rate over thirty years, you could save over twenty-seven thousand dollars. You can use your offset in much the same way you'd operate an everyday transaction account. Every day every dollar that's in your offset is reducing your monthly interest, one hundred percent of the time. Doing what's best for our customers is how we've managed to stay in business for over 150 years. It's personal.
Adelaide Bank a Division of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178. Australian Credit Licence 237879 Information correct as at 8 February 2021 and is subject to change. Adelaide Bank lending criteria, terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Full details of terms & conditions available on application. (A1556717-1571552)
At Adelaide bank we think you should be given every opportunity to help pay off your home loan sooner. Offering one hundred percent offset, one hundred percent of the time on our fixed and variable home loans is just one way we can help make that happen. You see not all offset accounts have a 100-percent offset feature and many offset accounts aren’t one hundred percent on a fixed loan, ours are. A one hundred percent offset account can potentially save thousands of dollars and years off a home loan. Here's how it works, say your mortgage is 400 thousand dollars and you have 20 thousand dollars savings in your offset account, with one hundred percent offset you are only paying interest on 380 thousand dollars. Wondering how much this could save you? Based on a three percent interest rate over thirty years, you could save over twenty-seven thousand dollars. You can use your offset in much the same way you'd operate an everyday transaction account. Every day every dollar that's in your offset is reducing your monthly interest, one hundred percent of the time. Doing what's best for our customers is how we've managed to stay in business for over 150 years. It's personal.
Adelaide Bank a Division of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178. Australian Credit Licence 237879 Information correct as at 8 February 2021 and is subject to change. Adelaide Bank lending criteria, terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Full details of terms & conditions available on application. (A1556717-1571552)